After School Diary_The anime adapted of a very popular fishing manga, who is the director, and what is the structure of the series?

Just when you thought the number of anime about girls doing outdoor activities was gradually increasing, now there's a club anime of high school girls! A manga about dyke fishing is being made into an anime.

The original story of After School Diary is a serialized manga by Young Champion Retsu.


Here are the four points I'll start with:

  • After School Diary Information
  • Original manga
  • Director Takaharu Osumi
  • Fumihiko Shimo, who composed the series




After School Diary Information

Video Streaming Sites

d-anime store
[Hikari TV]
【Fuji TV Ondemand】
Bandai Channel
video path
unlimited number of cartoons
Amazon Prime Video
MBS Video-ism


TV broadcast

Tuesday, July 7, 10 p.m.
Repeat broadcast: every Thursday 2:00 p.m. / every Sunday 1:30 a.m. / every Monday 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 7, 12:30 a.m.
Tuesday, July 7, 2:30 a.m.
RKK Kumamoto Broadcasting
Friday, July 10, 1:55 a.m.
Wednesday, July 8, 12:00 a.m


OP, ED theme song

Umino High School Teibou Club
Tsurugi Younagisa (CV: Takao Kanane), Hotaka Natsumi (CV: Kawaida Natsumi), Yuki Kuroiwa (CV: Yu Shinohara), Makoto Ohno (CV: Satomi Akesaka) OP "SEA HORIZON" ED "To the World of Fishing"


Voice Actor(Cast)

Tsurugi Hina:
Kaon Takao

Hodaka Natsumi:
Kawaida Natsumi

Kuroiwa Yuki
Yu Shinohara

Ono Makoto
Satomi Akesaka



Original work:
Yasuyuki Kosaka
(Akita Shoten's "Young Champion Retsu" series)

Takaharu Okuma

Series Structure:
Fumihiko Shimo

Character Design:
Katsuhiro Kumagai

Fishing Tackle Prop Design:
Hiroyuki Ogura

Prop Design:
Kyoko Nagata

Chief Animation Director:
Katsuhiro Kumagai

Atsushi Soga
Keiko Ichihara

Art Director:
Yuta Sakashita

Art Setting:
Junichi Higashi

Studio Easter

Color Design:
Genta Makabe

Director of Photography:
Takafumi Kuwano

Emi Onodera

Sound Director:
Takeshi Kodera

Miki Sakurai

Music Production:

Animation Production:
Doga Kobo

Umino High School Teibou Club


The After School Tingbo Journal book is up to volume 5!

The original manga on which After School Diary is based is a club activity manga that's been serialized by Yasuyuki Kosaka in Monthly Young Champion Retsu since 2017!

It's not limited to Champion, but it's said that magazines are hard to sell nowadays. However, while I am introducing the anime, I've noticed recently that each company knows exactly where the demand is for boys' and young people's magazines. This time, an anime adaptation of After School Diary has been serialized for almost 3 years and is on sale now in volume 6.  You can enjoy fishing, seafood gourmet food, and the seaside in the set of Teibou club in this story.


Click here to read the manga for After School Diary.

The After School Tingbo Journal book 1



At the beginning of this article I talked a little bit about how girls outdoor activities are trending, but I feel that the number of women's outdoor activities stories have been increasing little by little in recent years. At the same time, I guess the number of people who are interested in the outdoors is increasing. It all began with Yuru Can△, which started the trend.

At the time of Yuru Can△, solo camping was very popular and had a big impact on people, so this work, After School Diary, might have made fishing more popular. What might happen?


If you're curious about women's outdoor animation, here's another one.

ゆるキャン きららフォワード連載の人気漫画をアニメ化!無料で見られる動画配信サイトはある?
2020夏に再放送2021年に2期の放送される ゆるキャン△をご紹介します! 可愛い女の子たちがゆるーくキャンプをするって これまであるようでなかった コンセプトの作品なんですよね。 ・無料で見られる動画配信サイトはある? ・個性的な登場キ...


2020春に再放送されたソウナンですか?は 無人島サバイバルをテーマにした漫画が 原作のアニメなんですけど PVを見たら冒頭から飛ばしてて そちらを見たら本編見たくなりますよね。 ・無料で見られる動画配信サイトはある? ・原作漫画 ・監督の...


It takes place in the real Ashikita area of Kumamoto, and like From Tomorrow in the Colored World and Zombieland Saga, which are both set in the same Kyushu area, the area will be enlivened by the anime adaptation!

This is one of the anime that I'm interested in because I believe it has great potential.


If you're interested in an anime set in Kyushu, here's another one.

色づく世界の明日から 2期連続でのPAWORKSオリジナルアニメ!今回の作品の舞台は?
そろそろ秋アニメの放送予定本数も 増えてきたので少し早いですが 紹介していきたいと思います! 第1弾は色づく世界の明日からですね。 夏クールでは天狼 Sirius the Jaegerが 放送されることになってるので PAWORKSのオリジ...


【結局、ゾンビランドサガプロジェクトって?】ゾンビランドサガ 2期の気になる感想・評価は?無料で見られる動画配信サイトはABEMAだけ
アニー また、ゾンビィたちのライブが見られる!! マツ デスメタル、HIPHOP、ポップって色んなジャンルのライブが見れて、来週はどんなライブ見られるんだろ!って、毎週楽しかったよね。 アニー 2期の見どころが気になる! 2018秋に放送さ...


The director of After School Diary is Takaharu Okuma.

They've also announced the production staff for the anime version of After School Diary, which will be directed by Takaharu Okuma. I haven't introduced him yet, so here he is!

From the 2007 episode of Dojin Work to the Mitsumomoe series, Gavril Dropout, Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! and Dumbbell Nan-kiro Moteru?, he has been involved in a wide range of work including the opening credits producer, character designer, animation director, and storyboarding and direction producer.

If you are interested in the anime that Takaharu Okuma helped produce, please click here!

ダンベル何キロ持てる? 筋トレに特化した漫画をアニメ化!監督は山崎みつえ!
時たまアニメが放送される 筋トレ作品なんですけど こちらは裏サンデーに連載されてる 漫画が原作のようですね。 これまで放送された作品と比べると ガチな雰囲気の筋トレ作品なんですが どんなアニメになりそうか 原作と共に紹介してみようと思います...


私に天使が舞い降りた!漫画連載開始2年でアニメ化 平牧大輔さん初監督作品
2019冬放送アニメの1つですね。 可愛らしい女の子が集まった集合絵だったんで きらら原作の作品かなと思ったら コミック百合姫に連載されている4コマ漫画が 原作ということで意表を突かれました。 原作はどんな漫画なのか? 監督はどんな方なのか...


As a director, he has directed YuruYuri Series, Renai Labo, Survival Game Club!. Himouto! Umaru-chan, and Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru. He has worked as an assistant director on a number of popular films, and this After School Diary is his first film as a director!

Looking back at his previous work, he has participated in a lot of anime with girls in the lead role, and he has played a part in creating all of them.

Since it's his first work, we can't help but wonder how he'll draw a manga with fishing, gourmet and many other elements!


The composition of the After School Diary series is by Fumihiko Shimo

Another person I'm interested in from the production staff of After School Diary is series creator Fumihiko Shimo. I hadn't introduced him to you yet, so here he is!

He started his career as a scriptwriter for Grave of the Fireflies which was released in 1988. The next year, in 1989, he started working as a scriptwriter, and he has worked on the screenplays of Wrestler Gundan (Ginga-hen) Seisenshi Robin Jr., Doraemon, and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, among others.

As for the series, he has worked on Chouzyushin Gravion, AIR, CLANNAD, NEW GAME series, Ryoo no Oshiogoto! and Dumbbell Nan-kiro Moteru?. These are just some of the popular works that anime fans will instantly recognize, and he's truly a hit maker.


If you're interested in the anime that Fumihiko Shimo helped produce, please click here.

2020冬クールアニメの1本なんですが 年が明けてもなろうの勢いは続きます! 先日紹介させて貰った インフィニットデンドログラムに続いて 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。(以下防振り) というタイトルからなろうかラノベだなと...


りゅうおうのおしごと! アニメ無料動画を見放題なサイトはどこ?
2018冬アニメの1本ですね。 2017年は藤井四段の活躍もあって 将棋業界も注目が集まってるところでの 将棋をテーマにしたアニメとなってます。 同じく将棋を扱った作品である 3月のライオンも放送中なところでの 将棋アニメということもありま...


Just like the director, Mr. Okuma, he has participated in many works that depict the lively daily life of girl characters, and as mentioned before, all of them have been very popular. After School Diary is going to be another popular anime that I am very much looking forward to.


If you're interested in other 2020 summer anime, click here.

2020夏に放送されるアニメを 新作、春のリスタート、再放送と分かりやすく 夏から秋以降に延期になった作品も確認できますよ! 無料で見られる動画配信サイトもお知らせしてます。
